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The PDU Podcast CAPM Package™

Only $3.26 per PDU

Get our curated collection of webinars and earn 17 pre-approved CAPM PDUs on your phone, tablet or PC.

For Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® from Project Management Institute (PMI)®

Easily Earn Your CAPM PDUs

You earned your CAPM certification. Now you have to continue your professional development to maintain it. But where do you start to source high-quality, tailored materials to evidence your commitment to ongoing learning?

Don't worry: we've got the answer: The PDU Podcast CAPM Package™.

The PDU Podcast CAPM Package gives you fast, convenient access to the PDU learning materials you need. Simply add your subscription to your favorite free or premium podcast app, download the webinars and start earning your PDUs.

With The PDU Podcast CAPM Package you get instant access to 10 high-quality webinars on curated topics, perfectly aligned to the Talent Triangle®.

PMI CAPM PDUs on Demand

Earn All Your PDUs

With The PDU Podcast CAPM Package, you get access to ALL the PDUs (and a couple extra!) you need for a complete recertification cycle with relevant webinars.

Approach Recertification Confidently

We are a Trusted and Experienced Education Provider. Each webinar is worth at least 1 PDU for which you will receive a PDU certificate after an assessment.

Earn PDUs on Your Schedule

Watch all 10 webinars now if you need PDUs quickly, or fit the webinars into your schedule in a way that suits you.

Learn from Experts

10 video webinars. 8 expert presenters. You’ll never get bored, and you’ll learn from the best.

Aligned to the Talent Triangle

The PDU Podcast CAPM Package offers PDUs for Ways of Working, Power Skills and Business Acumen, so you have all areas covered.


We’ve got you covered! With 17 convenient PDUs at your fingertips, you’re a step ahead for maintaining your certification.

Don't Lose Your CAPM Certification

"Don't Lose Your CAPM Certification" is the title of a presentation that our company president Cornelius Fichtner, PMP delivered as a livestream on Facebook and Youtube.

In the recording below Cornelius explains how PMI changed the PDU requirements for CAPM certificate holders, what the consequences are, and what you have to do in order to maintain and renew your certificate every three years.

If you don't have the time to watch the whole video (it's a little over 30 minutes long) then we recommend that you watch at least the following sections:

  • From 2:20 - 4:00 minutes: In this section, you will learn why a CAPM needs PDUs, what the potential consequences are, and what solution you can follow.

  • From 29:38 - 31:16 minutes: This is the "Take Action" section in which Cornelius details what steps you have to take in order to maintan and renew your CAPM certificate every 3 years.

Affordable Learning, At Your Convenience

Access to The PDU Podcast CAPM Package for just $49 for all 10 premium webinars. This option is our most cost-effective way of earning PDUs, at only $3.26 per PDU.

When you select The PDU Podcast CAPM Package you will be charged a single payment of $49 and you'll get immediate access to 10 webinars: that's 17 PDUs, a couple more than you need for good measure!

That's an average of $3.26 per PDU earned.


Once you’ve made your payment, you’ll have immediate access to all 10 webinars, plus a consolidated PDU calculation spreadsheet so you can keep track of your learning and your assessment and PDU certificate information.

Play. Watch. Earn PDUs.

Yeah... It's as easy as that.

Here's how it works

Step 1

Order The PDU Podcast CAPM Package

Order Now

Once you’ve made your payment, you’ll have immediate access to all 10 webinars, so you can get started straight away.

Step 2

Add it to Your App

We’ll send you a personalized link to your subscription. Copy and paste the link into your favorite podcast app. (The Technical Specifications section at the bottom of this page gives you our recommended apps if you don’t yet have one on your phone or tablet.)

Now you can access the video webinars from anywhere.

This step is not required to watch the webinars on your computer.

Step 3

Watch the Webinars

Each premium webinar is made up of several 20-30 minute modules to help you plan your learning. Just press play to watch the first module, and you’re off! You’ve started earning the PDUs you need to stay current.

Step 4

Download Your PDU Certificate

Once you’ve watched the webinars, you can download your PDU certificate. However, PMI requires that you take an assessment first.

Take the assessment to access your certificate, but don’t worry. So far, 100% of our students have received their certificate on their first attempt.

Step 5

Claim Your PDUs

With your PDU certificate in hand, log on to PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements System and record your PDUs.

We’ll tell you exactly how your PDUs break down across the Talent Triangle so you know how to record them.

Like we said above: Yeah... it's as easy as that!

Our PMI CCRS Rating is Four and Five Stars

Whenever you submit a PDU claim in the PMI CCRS online system, you are required to select a rating on a scale from one to five. All PDU Podcast webinars have received an average of four and five stars!

See it for yourself...

Our customers love the quality of what we deliver.

Fully Aligned with The PMI Talent Triangle

The PDU Podcast is 100% aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle. When you claim your PDUs on the PMI CCRS website, then you will receive the appropriate amount of total PDUs.

In addition the PDUs are correctly mapped as PDUs for the three sides of the talent triangle, which are Ways of Working PDUs, Power Skills PDUs as well as Business Acumen PDUs.

Please see the tables below for details on how many PDUs you can earn for each webinar.

How Many PDUs can You Earn?

The PDU Podcast CAPM Package perfectly maps to the PMI Talent Triangle. You will earn 17 PDUs in total:

Ways of Working PDUs
Power Skills PDUs
Business Acumen PDUs
In total

Note: The PDU Podcast CAPM Package is designed for CAPM certified project managers who have not previously purchased any other PDU Podcast subscription or package. If you are looking for more than 17 PDUs, we recommend the full PDU Podcast.

The table below shows how many PDUs you can earn for each webinar and how they align to the three sides of the Talent Triangle, which are Ways of Working (WoW), Power Skills (Powr) and Business Acumen (BusAc).
No Presenter Topic Type PDUs*
  WoW Powr BusAc PDUs
01 Dr. Margaret Meloni, PMP Dealing with Difficult People video 0.00 2.25 0.00 2.25
02 Stan Levanduski, PMP Leadership Challenges of Complex Projects - Part 1 video 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00
03 Stan Levanduski, PMP Leadership Challenges of Complex Projects - Part 2 video 0.00 0.75 2.00 2.75
04 Martin Wartenberg, MBA, P.E. Managing Small Projects video 1.25 0.50 0.00 1.75
05 Wes Kahle How Do You Know That Your Project Is In Trouble? video 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
06 Margaret Meloni, PMP Conflict on the Fly video 0.00 1.25 0.00 1.25
07 Cornelius Fichtner, PMP Agile PM User Stories video 1.25 0.00 0.00 1.25
08 Cornelius Fichtner, PMP Agile PM: Scrum Overview video 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00
09 Susanne Madsen Project Leadership video 0.00 1.75 0.00 1.75
10 Dave Shirley & Rich Maltzman Project Management and Sustainability video 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
  Total PDUs     5.50* 8.50* 3.00* 17.00*

Wondering If The CAPM Package is Right For You?

The PDU Podcast CAPM Package is perfect for you if you are already a CAPM certification holder and you are looking to quickly and easily cover the PDU requirements to maintain your certification. This product is relevant for you if you have not previously bought the full PDU Podcast.

Watch this sample webinar to see The PDU Podcast CAPM Package in action.

Developing High Performance PMOs
Presented by Thomas Cutting, PMP

Technical Specifications

  • High-speed internet connection recommended.
  • Webinars can be played on your computer but we recommend using a phone (Android or iOS) or a tablet for absolute freedom of how, where and when you want to earn your PDUs.
  • Podcast app is required to watch webinars on your phone or tablet.
  • Webinars are MP4 videos and optimized for phones and tablets.

Recommended Podcast Apps

You can watch The PDU Podcast webinars either online using your browser or you can opt to download them to your phone or tablet for offline viewing wherever you are. You'll have to install a podcast app on your phone or tablet first:

Android Phone or Tablet

We recommend the free "Pocket Casts"


We recommend the free "Pocket Casts"

iPhone or iPad

We recommend the official Apple Podcasts App, which may already be installed on your iPhone or iPad. If not install it from here.


For Mac we recommend using Apple Podcasts.
Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®

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PMI, PMBOK, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PMI-PBA are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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